Monday, August 4, 2008

Entry for July 14, 2008

During the past month, I've read two books by Kazuyo Katsuma. She's a Japanese woman, mom of 3, certified accountant, and currently an author and freelance financial analyst. The books have interesting titles like "Study and Increase your Income Tenfold" and "Increase your Intellectual Productivity and your Income Tenfold." I don't think it's realistic to want to increase my current income tenfold, but I do have time management issues (understatement!) and I'm always up for suggestions on how to finish more work more quickly.

Some of the things she suggests are not realistic for my particular situation. For example, she suggests that an efficient way to get the aerobic exercise you need is to commute by bicycle. For me to wrangle 8 km (6 miles) on a bicycle with the Pumpkin Princess on a bicycle seat, every single day, rain or shine, is not an efficient or practical way to do things.

Still, the way I see it, it's kind of like Flylady. She has some valid points (like doing a little bit of housework each day and a little bit is so much better than nothing), but a Japanese buddhist woman cannot do absolutely everything a Southern Christian Fundamentalist tells her to do. I think I have more in common with Kazuyo Katsuma than I do with Flylady, though.

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