Saturday, June 20, 2015

When others see you

"Hito ga mita toki"

I ran on Tuesday, and was going to run again on either Thursday or Friday, but then it rained both days. Today it was sunny for the first time in 3 days, and of course I overslept. Tomorrow is another day…with a forecast of rain...

I went to the dermatologist to see if he could do something about a brown spot on my cheek that had been taunting me for about the past decade. He looked at it, made a baffled face, and pointed to a different spot on the same cheek and asked me if that spot didn't bother me. I told him the truth, which was that it didn't, and he started off on how the way I see myself may not be the way others see me…which got me wondering if letting the spot bother me was silly.

Anyway, both the spot that bothered me and the spot that didn't were seborrheic keratosis, otherwise known as senile warts. (I'd assumed the second spot was a beauty mark, but on further inspection, it was a wart.) The nurse hit the one that was bothering me with liquid nitrogen and left the other one alone. So now, I'm noticing the spot that hadn't bothered me until this morning…proving that the dermatologist was right, it is all about perception. I should probably just upgrade my cosmetics. Or get laser. Probably the former.

Speaking of cosmetics, I tried cleaning one of my makeup brushes like this. Instead of a plate, I used a tiny jar that used to hold some posh strawberry jam. It worked just as well as my usual brush cleaner fluid for about 1/10 of the cost. (But I think I'm better than Michelle Phan in that I wiped most of the gunky cleaner off with paper towels before rinsing, because I didn't like the idea of so much oil going into the water system. Btw, I tissue-blot off my makeup remover before rinsing my face too, for the same reason.)

The Pumpkin Prince and Daddy just left for the Pumpkin Prince's tennis lesson. The Pumpkin Princess and I are off to the library to return/ borrow books. Hoping for a relaxing productive weekend.

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