Tuesday, October 17, 2017



I'm at a McDonald's typing this (and setting this to post at a later date to camouflage it). Shhhh, don't tell anyone. No, I'm allowed to stop at places for lunch on my way to consultant gigs. I just don't want the Pumpkin Daddy to know, because he's placed a household ban on McDonald's. A couple years ago, McDs Japan used expired Thai chicken in their nuggets (instead of fresh domestic chicken) and lied about it and didn't really explain what they were going to do about it. So the Pumpkin Daddy decided the Pumpkin Prince and Princess weren't going to get Happy Meals any more.

I don't particularly like McDs, but...they have free WiFi. And I can feed my internet addiction while eating French Fries. Which is really bad table manners that I wouldn't want my kids to see me do, so I hide. At McDs. On my way to a gig as a consultant. The fries were fresh and salty. I got full sugar Coke and a Double Cheeseburger too. There's some guy my dad's age singing out loud with his headphones on. Fortunately, he's singing in tune and has a pretty ok voice.

Wait, did that blogger post another picture with her new boyfriend cropped out? Sheesh, she needs to get over herself, or maybe it's her old boyfriend she needs to get over, or maybe she needs therapy for her anxiety.

Or maybe I just need to get a life.

(Disclaimer: I had beef stir fry with rice and vegetables and miso soup the night before, and grilled fish with rice and vegetables and miso soup the night before that, so no jabs at my eating habits, please! Feel free to jab at my internet addiction, though!)

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

No jabs whatsoever. Any opportunity to hide away from household members should be indulged.