Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Loser parent


I realize I'm probably not going to win any parenting awards, but I like to think of myself as an o.k. parent. My kids wear clean (if not new or fashionable) clothes to school, carrying most of the necessary books and supplies most of the time. They eat home cooked dinners 95% of the time. They have extracurriculars and help with schoolwork. We head out to most of their school and extracurricular events.

But sometimes, I am reminded of my failures.

(Not For the Squeamish Alert!)

Like this morning, when the Pumpkin Daddy and I realized neither of us had clipped the Pumpkin Prince's toenails in, like, forever.

And yet, he hadn't chipped his toenails or torn his socks in, like, forever.

"What do you do, bite them?" the Pumpkin Daddy joked.


"Wait, is that what you do? Bite them?"

A pregnant pause, followed by a nod.

He bites his toenails. During bath time (at least he is biting clean toenails). He can bring his toes to his mouth, like a baby (he's ten). He demonstrated (the bringing his toes to his mouth, not the biting).

When the shock wore off, we asked him to please not do it anymore.

We are considering taking him out of tennis lessons to enroll him in gymnastics classes (kidding but only partly).

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

G will not let me cut his fingernails. He bites them when they get too long. I had not thought to ask about toenails - I suspect the answer is the same. And now I'm realizing I don't know what D does...

I think I am curious enough to ask, but don't care enough to ask them to change whatever they're doing, since apparently it's been working. Enough.