Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Murder in the laundry room

Sentakushitsu satsujin jiken

I was taking pictures of Tiny Vader and Tiny Storm Trooper with their new washing machine, and the Pumpkin Prince said,

"It's Darth Vader. He wouldn't do laundry nicely."

"Oh, is that so? Well, what do you think he would do?"

"I think he would do this."

Oh dear.

"And I think there would be a witness. Hey, I think you should take the picture from above."

"Like this?"

"Yes, like that. And I think he would tie up all the loose ends."

"Like this. Oh, wait, I think he would use something better. Like this."

"There would be signs of a struggle, of course. Like this."

My son needs:

A. to watch less violence on T.V. and YouTube
B. extensive checking of his manga reading
C. intensive therapy
D. all of the above

1 comment:

Annie Crow said...

Argh! D is the same way. Not that he doesn't have good ideas... but why oh why do they always involve violence / competition / money?