Samusa ga mi ni shimiru
Too cold to run, for me, anyway. And also the Pumpkin Daddy. I stayed indoors. I did that YouTube exercise video that cased me immense pain two weeks ago once, and it wasn't nearly as bad.
I wonder what happened to the cold tolerance I had when I lived in the American Midwest? When it snowed last week, I wore my warmest down coat, a shirt, a sweater, and full length pants over thermal underwear (both top and bottom), thick wooly socks, and knee-high rubber boots. I basically chose my wardrobe to survive a three-minute walk from my parking space to my building.
Did the make-ahead thing again. Vegetables are expensive because of the terribly cold weather we've been having, so there are a lot of bean sprouts (which are produced in a factory from imported seeds) and carrots (which were probably harvested last season and refrigerated).
Kinda sorta Korean fried chicken, boiled cabbage seasoned with sesame oil, shredded carrot salad, kinda sorta Okinawan
konnyaku stir fry,
okara, bean sprouts seasoned with sesame oil, kiriboshi (shredded and dried) daikon cooked in
dash with carrots and
aburaage, soy eggs, nappa cabbage stir fried with glass noodles, and shredded carrot stir fry with egg. (Not shown: a large container half-full of soy sauce flavored fried chicken, which was Sunday's dinner. I made extra hoping for plentiful leftovers to eat during the week, and it turned out everyone liked it so much, I ended up with a lot less than I expected. Which, I guess, is the highest compliment I could possibly receive, so it's all good, isn't it?)
The make-ahead thing at least partially fulfills my aspirations of upping my breakfast game. I throw a few items on the plate beside the kids' toast slices, and it looks like I put some effort in it (well, I did put effort in it, but the effort was made on Saturday and Sunday, as opposed to a weekday morning). The items are also my weekday box lunches and additional side dishes for the weekday dinners the Pumpkin Daddy prepares for us. I don't mind cooking, and if it means my family is eating healthier, well, then, why not?
Let's see if I do better on the exercise front as well!