A couple nights ago, I was Jillian Michaels-ing after having put the kids to bed. About 1/3 of the way through the workout, I heard a voice call "okaasan!! I can't get out!"
I caught my breath and went upstairs to the master bedroom, which is where the Pumpkin Daddy and Pumpkin Prince sleep. I found the Pumpkin Prince between the double bed and the crib, and inside the comforter. He'd somehow crawled through the spaces between the snaps on the opening of the comforter cover, and fallen between the two beds while trying to get back out.
The rescue effort was severely hampered by my inability to stop laughing.
This is a very bad picture of me in the mirror wearing my now reasonably fitting black dress from the previous millennium and new quasi-Chanel tweedy jacket (minus shoulder pads and about 4 cm off the sleeves). You can also see the beds and comforter cover that were the source of the Pumpkin Prince's misfortune.
I'm currently working on my chambray jacket. I am trying something I have only heard about, which is shortening the sleeve at the shoulder. It's taking longer than I thought it would because I'm also dealing with work stuff at home. Sewing is stress relief (when I manage to get it done right).
I looked at the sidebar and I noticed I got a hit from Turku, Finland! Hi, Turku! My boss lived there for a year. I am juggling the logistics aspects of going there in 2014 for work stuff and taking the kids with me. They love Moomin.