Banyuu inryoku no housokuMy former boss left our workplace about seven or so years ago, but acted as an unpaid consultant type, doing stuff here and there for us. Then she decided she didn't want to do the consulting gig anymore. Which is her choice, really, but the downside of this is that much of the work she did has now become the job of yours truly. Kind of like a Newtonian physics type deal. Stuff always falls downward, including work.
One of the things she did was an hour-long class for undergrad students. When I found out I was supposed to do this class in her place, I asked her if I could see her Powerpoint slides. About a week and a half later, she sent me and my current boss a rather huffy e-mail telling all of us off. Which, well, I can't really do anything about, but I really wish I could have seen those slides, because I have had to spend pretty much every spare moment I have had for the past two weeks preparing for this class from scratch.
So anyway, I'm fine, just very very busy. And I've shown some people what work I have so far, and I've been told it is probably more helpful and practical, if not quite as interesting, as the lecture my old boss gave.
And to my friends who teach formal classes on a regular basis, I have always thought you were cool, but now I think you are awesome.